Installation ############ The framework can be used in two ways: - Stand-Alone runs alone as a program and loads apps as a plug-in. - Embedded An existing program loads and initializes the library. - The class CKernel can be simply instantiated using a JAR file in the classpath. After that all functions are also available in other programs. - The main method of the kernel can be called. then starts as   independent program, loads its configuration files as well as the plug-ins. Your own application can then start as a plug-in at StartUp. Alternatively, you can also create an app that can be started at startup or at a later time. Program-Arguments ***************** Each instance needs at least its own directory, where it expects the configuration files. In addition, files are created in this directory by the program, e.g. a H2 database with the persistent configuration and runtime variables. The directory and various other settings are passed as program arguments. The format of the program arguments:: path/key=value Example:: kernel/ConfigDir=config/ In this case ``kernel`` is the *PATH* (could also look like a Windows registry path, e.g. ``a/b/c/d``), ``ConfigDir`` is the *KEY* and ``config/`` is the configuration *VALUE*. Stand-Alone *********** The main method of the kernel is called. then starts as a stand-alone program, loads its configuration files as well as the plug-ins. Your own application is loaded as a plug-in at StartUp. In stand-alone mode, much-needed configuration values are passed as program arguments. All other arguments can be passed in a configuration file. Command Line ============ A typical call to a standalone instance looks something like this:: // -cp lib/* The ClassPath, which also contains the D1Kernel.jar. // -Dlogback.configurationFile=config/logback.xml A VM argument for configuring the LOGBACK logging system. // de.softdevel.d1.kernel.impl.CKernel Here is the main method to start. // kernel/ConfigDir=001/config/ A program argument: Directory of configuration files // kernel/PluginDir=common/plugins/ A program argument: Directory of plugins to load java -cp lib/* -Dlogback.configurationFile=config/logback.xml de.softdevel.d1.kernel.impl.CKernel kernel/ConfigDir=config/ kernel/PluginDir=common/plugins/ kernel/RecordDbFile=common/recorddb.xml Embedded ******** The kernel can be started simply by creating an instance of the class with ``new``. The configuration arguments are given as parameters:: final Collection args = new ArrayList<>(); args.add(new CDatapoolRecord("kernel", "ConfigDir", "c:\test", "Path of Configuration Files", true)); IKernel kernel = new CKernel(args); Only one kernel can be initialized in the program. The main program arguments ************************** * **The Configuration Directory:** | There is a configuration directory for each NODE to be started. | It is best to create a directory in the HOME directory, such as: c:/user/michael/node001 or ~/node001 | Each NODE requires its own directory, because it persists data in a H2 database file. | In addition, the configuration file *datapool.xml* is expected in this directory. The directory is passed as a program argument. Example:: kernel/ConfigDir=c:\user\michael\node001 | ``kernel/ConfigDir`` is the configuration key. | ``c:\user\michael\node001`` Is the value to be specified here. | The configuration files that are optionally included in the directory are described below. * **Directory for Internal LOG Files:** Example:: kernel/LogDir=c:\user\michael\node001\log | This directory is used for internal LOGs as for the GateKeeper. | The LOGBACK Logging System uses its own configuration file whose path can be specified via the VM argument. * **The Plug-In Directory:** Example:: kernel/PluginDir=c:\user\michael\d1\plugins The plug-in directory can be shared by all NODES. There are a lot of other configuration keys, which are listed below. List of the most common program arguments ***************************************** +---------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Path + Key | Variable type | meanings | Example | +=======================================+================+==================================+======================================+ | kernel/NODEID | UUID | NODE-ID | 06708aeb-ec9b-456d-829e-30c5cfdd6503 | +---------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | kernel/LICENSE | UUID | License-ID | 06708aeb-ec9b-456d-829e-30c5cfdd6503 | +---------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | kernel/NAME | String | Name of the NODE | Node001 | +---------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | kernel/VENDOR | String | Vendor of the NODE | softdevel GmbH | +---------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | kernel/DESCRIPTION | String | Description of the NODE | NODE for UI | +---------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | kernel/DebugEnvelope | Boolean | Message Debug Info in stream | true | +---------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | kernel/LogDir | String | Log Dir for GateKeeper | ./log | +---------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | kernel/ConfigDir | String | Path of configuration files | . | +---------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | kernel/PluginDir | String | Path of Plug-ins | ../plugins | +---------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | kernel/DumpDatapool | Boolean | True: Dump of configuration | False | +---------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | kernel/MaximumSavedEarlyLogs | Integer | Number of stored LOG texts | 10000 | +---------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | kernel/EnablePrintingEnvironment | Boolean | True: Print Environment | True | +---------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | namespaces/XXX/OwnDatapool | Boolean | True: Datapool for namespace XXX | True | +---------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ The Configuration File ********************** | The name of the configuration file is always ``datapool.xml``. | It is expected in the NODE-specific configuration directory. Example:: The format is the same as the program arguments: ``path/key=value``. The values will be stored into the data pool. This is a service that persists the values in an SQL database. The values can be read and written by apps through method calls or by messages. The data pool also supports the Observer pattern. Apps can be registered at the data pool as an observer and receive e.g. a message when a value should change. The ``readonly`` attribute ensures that the value can not be changed as long as the program is running. If a value is already in the database, it is overwritten by the configuration. If it is not to be overwritten, the attribute ``force = false`` must be used. The ``description`` element is optional. The order when importing configuration values ********************************************* - | The kernel looks for the program argument ``kernel/ConfigDir`` to find the configuration file. | The value is the configuration directory of the instance where the database file is stored. - All values of the configuration file are now imported. - | The program arguments are now entered. | If a program argument already exists, it is only entered if the attribute ``force = true`` is set. | Because the default value is true, it means that ``force=false`` does NOT overwrite an existing value in the database.