Documentation is a JAVA Library for the development of distributed applications.

The main feature of devel.on is the usage of platform-independent asynchronous RealTime Message Passing.
The framework is ideal for the design of distributed Applications in a Peer-to-Peer Network.
Other features are high performance, very small bandwidth usage and easy programming with a single API.
It is not only suitable for the design of new applications, but also for the expansion of existing programs.

Naming of Interfaces, Classes and Variables

We use prefixes to easily identify JAVA types:

Prefix JAVA Type Example
I Interface INamespace
C Class CNamespace
E Enumeration ESomeType
m Class Member mCounter
a Method Argument aCounter

This avoids unnecessary collisions between class variables, arguments, and local variables:

class CTest
    private final int mCounter;

    private void setCounter(final int aCounter)
        mCounter = aCounter;